Planning for next spring’s OpenFabrics Alliance Workshop is underway, and we’re looking for a few dedicated people to help guide the technical program. The annual Workshop is a highly regarded event dedicated to bringing together thought leaders in high performance fabrics to advance the state of the art. To drive the Workshop, each year the OFA forms a Technical Program Committee (TPC) and charges it with delivering top notch technical content.
The best way to ensure that the Workshop meets the needs of the high performance fabric community is to ask for your help in designing the Workshop. This is a hands-on opportunity to work with other industry leaders to shape this important event. The TPC is responsible for defining the themes and topics that frame the Workshop, and vetting proposed talks to ensure the Workshop meets the quality expectations of the participants.
The OFA seeks to constantly expand its horizons by including perspectives from across the broad community including vendors of fabric solutions, those who deploy and manage high performance fabrics, and consumers of network services. We’re looking for technical people with insight into fabrics, including how they are built, how they are deployed, and how they are used.
Typically, the TPC has a burst of activity during the fourth quarter, followed by a hiatus and then another burst during the first quarter. We’re looking for people who can devote a couple of hours a week during the busy periods to lend your thinking and your energy toward making the Workshop all it can be. We plan to kick off this year’s Technical Program Committee with an hour long teleconference tentatively set for Monday, October 16 at 1:00PM PDT.
If this interests you, please send a brief note describing your background to press@ and we’ll fill you in on the logistics.
Best Regards,
Paul Grun & Parks Fields
2018 TPC Co-chairs