Completed Projects

Below is a list of non-active project working groups with links to their work spaces for historical and archival purposes. These groups are no longer active, and the mailing lists are no longer monitored.

EWG - Enterprise Working Group   EWG Work Group Files  Report/Search the Bug List  Subscribe to EWG List  Go to EWG List Archives

The EWG qualified and tested OpenFabrics Software (OFS) for Linux code prior to distribution. OFS and OFED (OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution) releases and components can be found on the OpenFabrics Software Portal.

OFVWG - OpenFabrics Verbs Working Group   OFVWG Work Group Files  Report/Search the Bug List  Subscribe to OFVWG List  Go to OFVWG List Archives

The OFVWG maintained the verbs interface to meet the needs of systems and applications.

IWG - Interoperability Working Group     Report/Search the Bug List  Subscribe to IWG List  Go to IWG List Archives

The IWG previously validated and certified commercial products that interoperate with OpenFabrics Software.

OFW - OFED for Windows Working Group   Browse OFED for Windows Repository  Report/Search the Bug List  Subscribe to OFW List  Go to OFW List Archives

The OFW qualified and tested OFS for Microsoft Windows code prior to distribution.