Sunfish: Getting Started
This HOW-TO guide assumes that the installer is both familiar with Linux and Linux servers with network connectivity running.
In this how-to, a Rocky Linux server installation is used as a guide.
#> systemctl set-default
#> yum update
#> yum install screen git.
#> sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config
#> reboot
$> mkdir Swordfish
$> python3 -m venv ~/Swordfish; cd ~Swordfish
$> source Swordfish/bin/activate
$> echo 'source Swordfish/bin/activate' >> ~/.bash_profile
$> pip install flask flask_restful flask_httpauth
$> pip install requests aniso8601 markupsafe pytz
$> pip install itsdangerous StringGenerator urllib3
$> pip install --upgrade pip
$> git clone
$> cd Redfish-Interface-Emulator
$> git log
$> git remote add Swordfish-API
$> git log ; # Note where the HEAD is
$> git remote; # Note the remote list contains 2 remotes
$> git log
$> git branch swordfish ; #> New branch at the HEAD to build up Swordfish from
$> git checkout swordfish ; #> move to new branch before a fetch
$> git fetch Swordfish-API
$> git log ; # Check all of the Swordfish commits
$> git diff be770566 swordfish
$> ls ; # look for
$> python