Every year, Supercomputing Conference (SC) brings together a diverse community of professionals to learn about the latest developments in High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage, and analysis. The annual technical program addresses virtually every area of scientific and engineering research, as well as technological development, innovation, and education.
This year, SC19 will take place in Denver, CO, and feature presentations on topics ranging from HPC and edge computing all the way to supercomputing’s role in natural disaster modeling. The OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) would like to showcase one session in particular that will cover libfabric and the use of complex simulations with high computational demands to simulate stellar mergers.
Taking place on Thursday, November 21 at 11:30am, the presentation will highlight the paper From Piz Daint to the Stars: Simulation of Stellar Mergers Using High-Level Abstractions. This paper focuses on Octo-Tiger, a finite volume grid-based hydrodynamics simulation code with Adaptive Mesh Refinement which is unique in conserving both linear and angular momentum to machine precision.
To face the challenge of increasingly complex, diverse, and heterogeneous HPC systems, Octo-Tiger relies on high-level programming abstractions, using HPX with its futurization capabilities to ensure scalability both between nodes and within. It also replaced MPI with libfabric, with the first results achieving up to a 2.8x speed increase.
To download the paper and learn more about this session, visit the SC19 event site.