SNIA Leads Open Standards Pavilion at SuperComputing’21

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Nov. 9, 2021  ̶   In a move to highlight open standards that enable multiple implementations of the latest technologies to be delivered to the market, the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) today announced it is being joined by five leading standards organizations in a dedicated Open Standards Pavilion at SC’21.

“Open specifications and standards work together to foster a broad selection of products and vendors for end users to choose from,” said Richelle Ahlvers, SNIA Board Member and Chair of SNIA’s Storage Management initiative. “The collective presence of some of the industry’s leading standards organizations at SC’21, along with open source and specification groups, spotlights our common principles of openness and transparency in an effort to drive agile innovation.”


WHERE:  Americas Center, St. Louis, Mo.
Open Standards Pavilion booth #1507
WHEN: November 14-19, 2021

SNIA’s Storage Management Initiative (SMI) and Compute, Memory, and Storage Initiative (CMSI) will be represented along with the CXL™ Consortium, Ethernet Alliance, Fibre Channel Industry Association, GenZ Consortium™, and OpenFabrics Alliance™. Representatives will be on hand to discuss computational storage, CXL, Ethernet, Fibre Channel, Gen-Z, open fabrics, persistent memory, SNIA Swordfish™, SSD and SFF standards.

SNIA will also present the following Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions:

  • Tuesday, November 16, 2021; 12:15 – 1:15 PM CST
    Solving the Fabric Management Gordian Knot
    Presenters: Michael Aguilar, Russell Herrell, Richelle Ahlvers, Jim Hull, Phil Cayton, Erich Hanke

    The OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) together with its partners the DMTF, SNIA, and the Gen-Z Consortium, are developing a new open-source fabric management ‘framework’ to provide a unified set of tools to control and monitor multiple network fabric types. This BoF seeks input from the HPC network, storage, and security communities to provide useful tools to meet their needs, as well as, open participation in the development of the OpenFabrics Management Framework.

  • Wednesday, November 17, 2021; 12:15 – 1:15 PM CST
    CXL Consortium, Gen-Z Consortium, SNIA and End-Users – Is Disaggregation of Systems the Future?
    Presenters: Kurtis Bowman, Scott Shadley, Bharath Muthiah, Glenn Ward, and Tracy Spitler

    This BoF session will feature a panel of experts from CXL™ Consortium, Gen-Z Consortium™, SNIA in addition to end users from Facebook and Microsoft to discuss how the disaggregation of systems and persistent memory are critical to the industry and is being enabled by our technologies.

  • Live Demonstrations and Hackathon
    Live technology demonstrations will take place in the Open Standards Pavilion/SNIA booth featuring standards work on SNIA Swordfish and computational storage.

    Be sure to stop by and check out SNIA’s Persistent Memory Programming Workshop and Hackathon – both will be live during the event.



The Storage Networking Industry Association is a not-for-profit global organization, made up of member companies spanning the storage market. As a recognized and trusted authority for storage leadership, standards, and technology expertise worldwide, SNIA’s mission is to lead the storage industry in developing and promoting vendor-neutral architectures, standards, and educational services that facilitate the efficient management, movement, and security of information.


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