The OFA Announces its Newly Redesigned Website – Designed with Our Visitors in Mind

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We’ve overhauled the OpenFabrics Alliance web site in order to make it easy for visitors to quickly and intuitively find the information you need. To meet the needs of the four most common types of visitors, we’ve created four key “Portals”.

  • If you’re new to the OFA, or you need some information about the OFA’s latest activities, go to the Organization portal. This describes who we are, what we do, and how to get involved. It also takes you to archives of all the past Open Fabrics Alliance annual workshops and other events and publications. You can also find copies of the bylaws, membership agreements and other governing documents, and learn how to contact the OFA and get engaged.
  • If you are a developer of OpenFabrics Software, or you download and deploy the software directly, you ‘ll find the repositories you work with everyday under the OpenFabrics Software portal. This will give you access to all of the RDMA-enabling code that our developers have contributed and validated, and upon which we’ve tested interoperability with our members’ products.
  • If the computer systems you manage or use include OpenFabrics Software, or if you write applications or middleware that runs on OpenFabrics Software, the new User Community portal is for you. This is the place to go to trade tips, tricks, and ideas with others in your same position. For example, network and system administrators can find useful information on how to manage an RDMA-enabled network, and interact with others using the OFS User Wiki.
  • For those who actively participate in any of the OFA’s working groups, either a technical group like the EWG or a non-technical one like the MWG, the Working Groups portal will take you right to the publicly shared documents for your working group(s). This portal will also help you subscribe to the mailing lists, submit bugs, and search the email list archives. If you click on the name of any given workgroup, you’ll be taken to a detailed description of the group, how it works, and how to get engaged. If you just want to get right to business, click on the handy icons you’ll find here, and you’ll go straight to the documents, archive, or repository.

The new OFA website features more intuitive access to the information you need as quickly as possible. The key is to know which of the four types of visitor you are—new visitor, code developer, user, or working group member—and to start using the Portals to access the wealth of information that is the body of the OpenFabrics Alliance. Naturally, we’d enjoy hearing your thoughts on the new website design and constructive suggestions for building on this new base. Feel free to send email to mwg-moderator@